Classroom Lesson Updates
November Counseling Program Review
View the November Counseling Program update for information about what the school counseling program was able to accomplish in the month of November.
School Cousneling Lesson Topics
School counselors work closely with our teachers to provide effective and relevant counseling lessons to all classes. Below you will find the upcoming lesson topics for the month of December.
Problem Solving
First Grade
Problem Solving
Second Grade
Naming Emotions
Third Grade
Social Skills
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Mental Health Awareness
Washington's K-12 Public Schools 6 Social Emotional Learning Standards
These standards are addressed throughout the lessons we teach.
These standards are addressed throughout the lessons we teach.
Self-Awareness - The ability to identify and name emotions and their influence on behavior.
Self-Management - One showing the ability to regulate emotions, thoughts and behaviors with other people.
Self-Efficacy - The ability to motivate oneself, persevere, and see oneself as capable.
Social Awareness - The person has the ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others.
Social Management - The ability to make safe choices about personal behavior and social interactions.
Social Engagement - One has the ability to consider others and a desire to contribute to the well-beling of school and community.